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Training by Topic Virtual Trainings

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44 results returned
  • Marketing Science

    Marketing science is the robust use of data to make better marketing decisions that are grounded in data and science. This instructor-led course is a set of four sessions designed to help learners prepare for the Meta Certified Marketing Science...

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  • WhatsApp Business Platform for Effective Business Messaging

    This course explores how the WhatsApp Business Platform can benefit customers and businesses across the customer journey. The course provides guidance for learners to connect business objectives to the features of the WhatsApp Business Platform and helps learners to avoid...

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  • Maximize performance with Advantage+ shopping campaigns

    In this three-part session, you’ll learn to leverage Advantage+ shopping campaigns to achieve better performance, increased efficiency and greater scale for your sales campaigns. First, you’ll learn about key features and benefits of Advantage+ shopping campaigns before walking through campaign...

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  • Optimize Meta Conversions API

    The Conversions API must be set up properly to work as effectively as possible. Ongoing maintenance can also help identify opportunities for improvement and ensure that your setup is working well. This training describes how you can optimize the configuration...

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    • Rating 3.7
  • Optimize your campaign with Meta Advantage

    In this training, you will learn how the AI tools within Meta Advantage can be used to improve campaign performance. This training provides an overview and use case for each tool, so you can determine which tools would be best...

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  • Maximize your campaign results with Performance 5

    In this training, you will learn the five best practices for maximizing performance of direct response campaigns across Meta technologies. Don't see any events here? Be sure to log into Blueprint to access a variety of events scheduled. To log...

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    • Rating 5.0
  • Ad agencies and Conversions API

    Create effective ads for clients with more reliable measurement through the Conversions API. Here’s what we’ll cover during the webinar: - The power of using the Conversions API and Meta pixel together.- Conversions API setup options, including a solution just...

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  • Improve Lead Quality with Conversions API for CRM

    Join our free webinar to learn about Conversions API (CAPI) for CRM, a new tool that can help you find better-quality leads. You’ll hear from Meta’s top experts, who will share: How CAPI for CRM can help your business reduce...

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  • Create engaging Reels ads to grow your business

    With 200 billion Reels plays per day across Facebook and Instagram* it’s a given that Reels ads should be an integral part of any great ad strategy. But creating effective and engaging Reels content doesn’t have to be intimidating. In...

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    • Rating 1.0
  • 5 best practices to generate client results

    Impress clients with the latest recommendations and master campaign best practices by attending one of our live webinars. You’ll learn: The importance of a simplified account structure. How to unlock new opportunities with automation. New creative tactics to supercharge client...

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  • Set up Conversions API Gateway with Stape

    During this 1 hour session, you'll learn how you can implement the Conversions API in minutes without a costly developer, followed by a walk through live integration of the Conversions API Gateway via Stape. Agenda: How the Conversions API can...

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  • Find high-quality leads this spring

    Last year, Meta saw 18.9% growth for lead ad submissions during the 2nd quarter*. Register for our free webinar to learn how our improved features can help you get better quality leads this spring. *Source: Year-over-year analysis of over 500M...

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  • Measure your offline events with Meta Conversions API

    This training begins with an overview of what an omnichannel marketing strategy is, the value of connecting omnichannel data, specifically offline events. We then go into how to share offline events with the Conversions API and review implementation options. We...

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    • Rating 4.0
  • Get the most out of WhatsApp Business

    This presentation is intended to help small businesses get the most out of their WhatsApp Business Account. The session will begin with an overview of WhatsApp business tools, in which we’ll discuss how to create and maintain a strong...

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  • Platform WhatsApp Business untuk pengiriman pesan bisnis yang efektif (IND)

    Kursus ini membahas berbagai manfaat Platform WhatsApp Business bagi pelanggan dan pelaku bisnis di seluruh perjalanan pelanggan. Kursus ini menyediakan panduan bagi peserta untuk mewujudkan beragam tujuan bisnis peserta melalui berbagai fitur Platform WhatsApp Business, serta membantu peserta menghindari kesalahan...

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  • Elevate your ad strategy with the WhatsApp Business Platform

    In this course, you will learn how to leverage the WhatsApp Business Platform to enhance your business messaging strategy, collaborate with a Business Messaging Partner for onboarding, set up and optimize ads that click to WhatsApp campaigns, and measure the...

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  • Sempurnakan strategi iklan Anda dengan Platform WhatsApp Business

    Kursus ini akan membimbing Anda untuk memanfaatkan Platform WhatsApp Business guna meningkatkan strategi berkirim pesan bisnis, berkolaborasi dengan Mitra Layanan Pesan Bisnis untuk onboarding, menyiapkan dan mengoptimalkan iklan kampanye klik ke WhatsApp, serta mengukur keberhasilan strategi Anda dengan indikator kinerja...

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  • Industry Insights: A guide for agency success

    Do you have clients in the ecommerce, professional services, healthcare or automotive industry? In this webinar, you’ll learn about:- Latest industry insights and exclusive Meta ad resources to help with client pitches, business reviews and conversations with clients. - Best...

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  • Maximize lead quality with Meta Conversions API for CRM

    This session explores how to attract quality leads by optimizing your lead ads with instant forms campaigns with the Conversions API for CRM. We review the value of integrating your CRM with the Conversions API and go through each step...

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  • Optimize campaign performance with A/B Testing and Conversion Lift

    Audience: The audience for this session can be media buyers, planners, digital marketers or skilled advertisers interested in using experiments to improve their campaign performance.  Level: Intermediate It is important to measure the true performance of your ads on Meta...

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